Saturday 2 September 2017

Salam all,

Today, I pretty much want to press on some sensitive issues that I've came across "somewhere". Before I start, sometimes, it's really easy for us to judge people, making assumptions as though what you're thinking/doing/about to do is right or correct.

I'll be blunt. Most parents painstakingly raise their children by themselves. For example - my parents. People don't know how financially unstable we used to be. My late mother tried to work a part-time job for a short while to aid our family's finance because his salary was slightly just enough to feed us. But because we shifted to a new house, somewhere somehow, they needed a little more money to ease the burden. But alhamdulillah, it didn't required my parents to work day & night, and we managed just fine. Alhamdulillah.

One point of time, my late mother wanted to pursue Haj, and she seeked a very close relative for help to look after me & siblings for about 3 weeks. But was told that she shouldn't burden anyone if she wanted to go Haj. A little disappointed, she decided to drop the idea & continue taking care of us till her last breath.

Now, just recently, I came across someone blaming a parent for working day & night which resulted them to not being fully focused on their children. Now, stop right there. Look, people who work day & night aren't money hungry, mind you. They work, taking double - or even triple - jobs, like your dad used to, because they think about their children's well-being! Kalau tak kerana dorang cari duit untok anak-anak, kau rasa anak dorang boleh skola sampai habis? Tak kisah la skola sampai ITE ke, atau Poly ke. Or do you think they would've enough food to chase their hunger away? Or even able to have their own shelter? You loosely said that, tak fikir orang terdekat ke? They determinely work hard so that their children can be thankful for what they have. Because of these, it caused them to spend lesser time with their children. It doesn't mean that they do not care of their bundle of joy at all!

Of course, blaming someone irrationally is easy because they don't go through what these people are going through. "Some grandparents" gave up their home to live with "one" of their children. Sebab apa? Ikhlas nak jaga cucu while everybody else raised their children on their own. Some don't even know the real story, but asyik nak shoot orang lain je. You know, you have the right to be angry over something, but at the same time, Allah SWT gives you a brain for a reason. To think & not to always blame people.

The world does not revolve around you only. At times, be wiser, think broader. Try to put yourself in their shoes. Most important question to ask: WHY? It'll definitely lead you to many loopholes that you could answer yourself without judging. Really, never ever blame someone for working day & night. People do it for a reason, bukan suka-suka untok jadi senang kaya ke or what. Be rational, that's the least you can do.

Dah, tu je luahan hati ini.


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