Saturday 3 January 2015

Happy 2015, Everybody!

Holla, holla!

First things first. Happy new year to all! Woohoo!

Wow, 2014 was definitely a tough year for my family. I can never forget what happened in November - Umi got hospitalized, had 2 major surgeries to stop the internal bleeding, admitted in ICU & a lot of good and bad news about it.. Which I don't wish to elaborate any further. It was quite a traumatic experience, the fear of losing my mother. Still remember those days when she slept for 6 whole days (a few times being semi-concious). Two weeks in hospital, I had to skip classes several days while Kakak took two whole weeks off (plus unpaid leave for December). It was a sudden situation, to the point where us, family didn't know what to do.

Unexpected things happened in 2014:

  • Crying in public while on my way to the hospital
  • Crying in front of my FYP mates
  • Skipped class 3 times
  • That one time, I was 30 minutes late for class. A minute of putting my laptop on the table, I noticed a missed call from Kakak. Went out to call her back & she had me go to TTSH. And yeah, I went back out of the class after 5 minutes. That's a record.
  • I'm the only Year 3 student for AOS module (the rest are Year 2s)
  • Tried a few cafés
  • Aunt Wati & family came to Singapore
  • I wore a snapback to school for the first time
  • My Samsung Tab has given up on me
  • My best friend is in a relationship
  • I received a Polaroid camera

But all thanks to extended families & friends who stopped by to pay Umi a visit, who kept us company when we decided to sleep over at ICU.. Those never ending words of encouragement & support.. Wow.. It was overwhelming. I was devastated, but their support keeps me going, till today. I'm still touched, though. All the heartfelt prayers.. I'm contented to have these people in my life. Thank you. To end off my 2014, Umi completed her 5-day radiotherapy session & she's resting well at home with dearest Nenek accompanying her for a month now. She's getting better, and if Allah SWT permits, she'll get better & live longer. Insyaállah, ameen, ameen, ameen.

We hired a housekeeper too because from next week onwards, almost everyone won't be at home to look after her. So we had no choice but to hire her to look after her & clean the house while we're off to school/work. Of course, I do feel awkward because never in my whole life have we hired a housekeeper. I've been doing housework since 13, so I just have to adapt to the new 'environment'. Actually I'm supposed to hand her the clothes (that I want to wear to school) for her to iron but neh, I'm giving it a miss. I'll iron them myself, thank you.

So let's welcome 2015 with open arms! Well, actually, I wasn't ready for 2015 because I'll be turning 25 in 7 months and 10 days' time. And yes, I keep receiving comments of, "Oh my god, you're 25 this year but you look like you're still 19/20" and "Oh my god, you'll be 25! Your turn to get married soon!" Just a comment on the 2nd one. Umm.. Insyaállah, but I think it'll be more appropriate if the said that to those who are already attached. Honestly, when they said these things to me, I've butterflies in my stomach & I do feel inferior. And it kinda pressurizes me. But neh, let's not think too much.

On a brighter note, this year is definitely a year to look forward to!

  • Kakak-Syafiq wedding, 28 March 2015:
    I'm officially Kakak's maid-of-honour, so on the day of the wedding itself, I will follow her back & forth. I'm just so excited! I'm truly sorry for not having any driver's license to drive her around to find the important things for the wedding. As well as the fitting session. Was supposed to follow her but I couldn't because I already missed Tuesday's lesson twice. And I wished I could at least sponsor her something but I'm not working, so I can't. I really wanted to, but sadly, I can't. And that's sad. Well, nevermind. Maybe I can make up for all the things couldn't do for her in time to come, insyaállah.

  • Graduation, May 2015:
    Hopefully, if I passed all of this semester's modules, and that's it. I'm done with Poly. Do you know why I wanted to go Poly so much? Other than wanting to hold that diploma, it's actually my dream to don a graduation robe. Weird dream, but I'm working my way for it :)

  • Full-time job, April 2015:
    If Allah SWT permits, I would love to get a full-time job as a teacher/counsellor, insyaállah. I've been looking forward to it since there's harapan. But to apply for the position this month, it's (1) too early, (2)what 'highest  education' should I put it as?, (3) if I got the job, I'll be very, very busy with the wedding preparations.. So.. I can only apply for it around March. But hopefully I get to work as a teacher/counsellor. Been dreaming of it since forever!

  • Driving lessons, May (?) 2015:
    Well, I've failed BTT twice six & seven years ago (WOW, DIDN'T REALISED IT WAS THAT LONG) because I didn't study for it AT ALL. Well, I was 18 at that time, so I didn't take tests seriously (same as now, actually), hence the results. But thinking it back, I SHOULD'VE done my best because I COULD'VE sent my mother for her hospital appointments during the holidays. It's no funny matter when I think of it, and I often feel guilty. So Imma try my best to pass BTT & start the driving lessons. My aim is to get that driver's license by next year. Insyaállah.

  • Japan/Korea, 2015:
    No, I don't know if I'm able to at least travel overseas this year.. But hey, it's not wrong to put it in my 2015's to-do list, right? I've been wanting to go to Japan since I was young.. I want to witness & experience spring/autumn/winter season (no summer please). I don't know.. I just want to experience Japan, that's all. Well, I'll just see how things are going. If I have enough $$$ to travel, I'll browse through catalogues of whichever country that have interesting events happening on the month I plan to travel to. But if it's not my time to travel yet, I'll just wait for next year, then.
Of course, 2015 makes me worried too. Money matters, that is. Sometimes, we don't know what has been planned ahead for us. Hence, I need to start saving up, as well. I too, have this thinking of, "mana tahu jodoh aku sampai awal", ya know? So obviously it's good to be prepared. Better to have some savings than never at all. Wow, I'm always good at side-tracking.

That's quite of a post..

Anyways, I'm thankful for all the bitter-sweet experiences & lessons in 2014. Our fairy tales can never go as smooth as what we've read in books or in movies. We can only depend on the lessons we've received to make us move forward. I hope to make the best out of 2015 & most importantly, I hope all of us will always be in pink of health.

With that, see you next time! Toodles~

Hazirah A. Rahim

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